Saturday, July 19, 2014

Top 5 Moscow Restaurants, Unique and original.

Here are top 5 cafes and restaurants for those of you who are in search for something unique and original in Moscow.

Fact 56.

1. Lovely cosy Moscow-Delhi is very little, but that makes it even prettier. Thin cakes baked in-house every mornign add up to this atmospheric harmony. 

2. White Rabbit is very contrastive to Moscow-Delhi, as it's huge, it's European, and it's world-known now, being the only Russian representative on the Restaurant Magazine's annual list of the world's top restaurants. 

3. Out of almost 3000 cafes and restaurants in Moscow, the most expensive place is... Argentinian with an average of 3.900 roubles for a traditional meal. While Jeffrey's coffee charges you only 100 roubles per hour and you can indulge in umlimited tea, cookies, reading and gaming in the cafe. Now you know where to head to in between your sightseeing places. 

4. Megu restaurant will surprise you with a fish tank with seawater kept at 4 C, which supposedly preserves the quality of fish. Whether you are here for a Kamchatka crab or a Canadian lobster, you will enjoy your dining in style. 

5. For more home-made delicacies, georgian Sakhli is the place that massively focuses on the details: exactly a centimeter thick maize flour cakes are a must.

Photos: Afisha

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