Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Legends and mysteries of Moscow.

Scary Monday outside and we think just the time to speak about mysteries and ghosts of Moscow. 
Cat Behemoth from Master and Margarita, honey and white-haired old lady Juju, wailing about the lost money... Do you know where you can meet the ghosts of urban legends?

Fact 38.
Sometimes to the house number 28 on Nikitskaya street where is now the Embassy of Tunisia, approaches a luxury limousine and a respectable man comes out of it. It is said that if a girl finds herself around that area at that time, should by no means accept the invitation of this charming middle-aged men "to see the night capital" Ghost appears at moonless nights, and most often seen from October to April. 

Watch out girls!

Near famous throughout all Moscow shop "Tea. Coffee" on Myasnitskaya Street, 17 lived a rich family in the XIX century. They were so mean that they never had any guests.They even were riding around Moscow every night, as they believed this way thieves will not get to their treasures. Once the family still decided to leave their valuables at home, hiding them in the fireplace ... This very night a street cleaner, looking after the house, made a fire to warm himself up. When the couple returned, they found only ashes of burnt banknotes. The old woman died of heart failure on the spot and a mean hubby suffered a lot for his loss. 

The Ghost appears sometimes on that place as a hunched old man wailing, "Oh, money, my money!" 

Meeting him promises unforeseen expenses or loss of money. 

Kuznetsky bridge

Charming model Juju worked in one of the fashion houses in the Kuznetsky Bridge street. She was the lover of the famous Moscow art patron and prosperous entrepreneur Savva Morozov. One morning, the girl was riding in a carriage at the Kuznetsky bridge and heard a newsboy shouting that Savva Morozov committed suicide. Frightened, Juju jumped out of the carriage and rushed for the paper, but fell under the wheels of a passing carriage ... The girl died. However, it is interesting that that very night was found the body of a newsboy - he was strangled with a stocking ... Juju's stocking! Perhaps it is not surprising that newspapermen now fear to sell their goods here, and cabbies never drove here after the dark. Now her ghost can be seen on summer nights, this meeting will mean a quick loss of a lover.

More on Kuznetsky bridge

Rumors have it that when a loser left a cascasino ion after midnight in front of him arose a grey carriage and the driver offered to a gentleman "to take it anywhere at the lowest fee - just 10 cents". (Tariff for a cab within the Garden Ring was 30-40 cents at that time). Those who took such a good offer, were never found again ... Nowadays you can also find a ghostly carriage on your way, especially at night. 

Under no circumstances speak with the driver!!!

The last one on our list for today - main street Tverskaya

It is believed that on this street Mikhail Bulgakov wrote off the image of his cat Behemoth. A huge fat black cat appears twice a month on the odd numbers on the odd side of Tverskaya Street. He "comes" from the wall of a building and "goes out" in the wall of another. This cat was officially registered in an international directory of ghosts. Meeting with the cat will bring you luck and success!

We wish you all the luck and succeess on your travel to Moscow.
Stay with us! 

More legends, stories and original facts about Moscow on our 10 Hours in Moscow Tour 
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