Tretyakov Gallery
... if you think you've seen all of Moscow, this is the place to beat you wrong. "Appearance of Christ to the people", "The Apotheosis of War", "The Unexpected", and hundreds more will open a new world for you

Kolomenskoe park
... amazing place in the midst of the city with Russian landscape: the river, fields, forests and hills. Climb up the hills to drop into the church, explore the house of Peter the Great, newly rebuilt palace of Alexei Mikhailovich and two farms of a farmer and a blacksmith.
Crimean embankment
... one of the quietest area of #Moscow city with painters' works at the Vernisage, close proximity to new Tretyakov Gallery & park "Museon", and good views of Christ the Savior Cathedral, Peter the Great monument and the Crimean bridge.
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... if you think you've seen all of Moscow, this is the place to beat you wrong. "Appearance of Christ to the people", "The Apotheosis of War", "The Unexpected", and hundreds more will open a new world for you

Kolomenskoe park
... amazing place in the midst of the city with Russian landscape: the river, fields, forests and hills. Climb up the hills to drop into the church, explore the house of Peter the Great, newly rebuilt palace of Alexei Mikhailovich and two farms of a farmer and a blacksmith.
Crimean embankment
... one of the quietest area of #Moscow city with painters' works at the Vernisage, close proximity to new Tretyakov Gallery & park "Museon", and good views of Christ the Savior Cathedral, Peter the Great monument and the Crimean bridge.
Most iconic scenes of Moscow on our Photo Tour
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