Monday, March 10, 2014

Weekend in Moscow

Fact 46. 
Siberian "Chemodan" for cosy and relaxed lunch/dinner in Moscow on out tours
Great place that offers something different, staraight from Siberia - elk, deer, bear rissoles, Arctic goose, venison with cedar nuts, white salmon and boar are among the many things on offer for the adventures diners. Relaxed and a cozy atmosphere. 

Best ideas come over coffee. Here we are discussing tours and creating new itineraries. Magic Ethiopian Coffee inspired us for Golden Ring Tour, expanding our horizons and covering ancient towns around Moscow

Irish week will take place from March 12th to 23rd in Moscow. Sounds like fun!

Photo: My Destination Moscow

Try traditional meat dishes from all over Russian in the restaurant "Bochka". Caucasus, Siberia, North, Far East and Central part of Russia have something in their menus to surprise you

Photo: Бочка

Have a fabulous spring, everyone! We wish you to come to Moscow this year and we hope to be your local friends. As Tim Cahil said, "a journey is best measured in friends, not in miles"

Find more ideas, news and inspirational photos of Moscow here!
Feel free to ask us any questions about Moscow on Facebook  and Google+ pages

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Sunday, March 2, 2014

Spring in Moscow

It's really warm today in Moscow, spring is already here!

Photo: В Москве (In Moscow)

Spring is probably the best time to explore mysterious Moscow. No big crowds of tourists around, and the city is waking up from cold

Photo: My Destination Moscow

It's Easternow! Time to say goodbye to winter and to welcome spring. Time for pancakes, and burning a straw man

Fact 45. 
What to do in Easter time? 
1. Learn Russian crafts in VVC: learn to play on clay whistles, knit wreaths of hay, make Russian dolls, amulets, and forge iron horseshoes and knit knots. 
2. Try more than 20 kinds of pancakes with various fillings, including the old traditional Russian recipes of 1871. And on March 2 at 16.00 watch ritual burning effigies in the square near the fountain "Friendship of Peoples ". 4 metres stuffed doll will be in the trendy green style.

Photo: KudaGo

A real big Pancake parade with musicians and performers in bright costumes gathers on Easter and goes to the main Pancake sun, which will be burnt in the end


Apart from Easter, you can just as well enjoy spring in Moscow.

 Moscow at night from the 60th floor

Photo: KudaGo

Get the most beautiful views of Moscow from OstankinoTower! With a height of 340 meters, you can enjoy not only the main attractionsof the capital, but also faraway parks in the outskirts. 
Morning rise and night lights of Moscow are fantastic in any season!

Tickets range from 500 - 1200 roubles

More ideas on how to have fun and get the best out of Moscow on our Going Out in Moscow Tour
Feel free to ask us any questions about Moscow on Facebook  and Google+ pages

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